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Bagageförvaring Anconas järnvägsstation

Guarantee 3000 Guarantee


Ancona Train Station
10 minuter från Anconas tågstation
På Corso Carlo Alberto

Security features

Security camera
Luggage supervision

Opening hours:

Open 24/7
(6 Reviews)
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Vanessa Pagel July 2023
Gute Zwischenlösung
Gute Zwischenlösung
Es war ein Fotoladen, Check-In und Check-Out haben ohne Probleme geklappt, die Verständigung war nur etwas schwierig da ich kein Italienisch und die Frau im Laden nur sehr wenig Englisch konnte.
Es war ein Fotoladen, Check-In und Check-Out haben ohne Probleme geklappt, die Verständigung war nur etwas schwierig da ich kein Italienisch und die Frau im Laden nur sehr wenig Englisch konnte.
Amin Al-Akwaa July 2022
Everything went great.
Everything went great.
Grazia December 2021
100% safety
100% seguridad
I recommend this solution as a luggage deposit for several reasons... Professionalism and courtesy 100% security Only a few minutes from the station (I bought a lock for fear of my suitcase being opened.... I bought a lock because I was afraid my suitcase might be opened.) Congratulations, these days it's a priceless gift to be able to trust...
Recomiendo esta solución como depósito de equipaje por varias razones... Profesionalidad y cortesía 100% de seguridad A pocos minutos de la estación (Compré un candado por miedo a que me abrieran la maleta.... Compré un candado porque tenía miedo de que me abrieran la maleta). Enhorabuena, hoy en día es un regalo impagable poder confiar...
Chiara Siverio July 2021
Great service. Only note: difficult to identify from the outside of the building as there are no signs.
Servizio ottimo. Unica nota: difficile da identificare dall'esterno dell'edificio non essendoci insegne.
Albatri Giuseppina July 2021
Half solution
Soluzione a metà
Your partner was very kind and helpful unfortunately for me too far from the station which forced me to drag my luggage back and forth. The only drawback of the experience is the too much distance from the station. The price is correct. Good job!
Il vs partner è stato molto gentile e disponibile purtroppo per me troppo lontano dalla stazione il che mi ha costretta a trascinare in andata e ritorno il mio bagaglio. L’unico neo dell’esperienza è la troppa distanza dalla stazione. Il prezzo è corretto. Buon lavoro!
Customer July 2021
Extremely friendly staff
Personale estremamente cordiale
All very positive, both girls who welcomed me were extremely kind and helpful. Fast and safe check in and check out. I will definitely use the service again.
Tutto molto positivo, entrambe le ragazze che mi hanno accolto sono state estremamente gentili e disponibili. Check in e check out veloci e sicuri. Utilizzerò sicuramente il servizio nuovamente.
I used Radical Storage in
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3 Mln+ Suitcases carefully stored
3 million bags stored
24/7 Instant support
24/7 Customer support
100% Secure
3000 Luggage Guarantee
4.8 ( 259708 Reviews )